The makers of Queen have incorporated Asha Bhosle’s hit number from ’70sHungama ho gaya. However, the music of this retro number has been given a makeover and we aren’t complaining a bit. In fact, we are glad that this song hasn’t been sung by anybody else coz nobody can recreate the magic that Asha Bhosle did with her voice, hai na? Coming to the video, you get see Kangana Ranaut’snever-seen before avatar. Since the curly haired babe plays a seedhi saadhi chokriin the film, its funny to see her go crazy in a night club. Kangs is sporting a desi attire in the song and yet she manages to groove. But the best part is that the talented lass has nailed this party number perfectly with her expressions. It’s an absolute visual delight just to see Kangy. There is a scene in the song where Ms Ranaut is trying to get on the dais to dance alongside firang performers in the club. The whole situation is hilarious. Even when the starlet takes off her sweater and just when you think she will throw it away, she puts it back in her bag. Kangana’s comic timing in the song is bang on throughout.
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